Museum and Library & Archives reference room are closed for renovations. For more info, call (406) 444-2694.

Montana Historical Society

The Montana Historical Society was established by the Territorial Legislature of Montana in 1865. We are both a collecting and an educational institution. (See a Timeline (PDF) of our history.)

The MTHS became a state agency in 1891. Statutorily, the MTHS is " . . . an agency of state government for the use, learning, culture, and enjoyment of the citizens of the state and for the acquisition, preservation, and protection of historical records, art, archival, and museum objects, historical places, sites, and monuments and the custody, maintenance, and operation of the historical library, museums, art galleries, and historical places, sites, and monuments." (22-3-101 MCA)

The MTHS is governed by a 15-member Board of Trustees who are appointed by the Governor. (22-3-104 MCA) The Board of Trustees appoints a Director for the Society.

President: Tim Fox
Director:  Molly Kruckenberg

The MTHS is organized into six administrative programs: Administration, Library and Archives, Museum, Outreach and Education, Publications, and the State Historic Preservation Office.

MTHS Program Overviews (PDF)

Statutory Authorizations (PDF)

Mission and Vision

Mission Statement

The Montana Historical Society preserves Montana’s past, shares our stories, and inspires exploration, to provide meaning for today and vision for tomorrow.

Vision Statement

By 2025, MTHS will be a world-class organization and a community hub, connecting hundreds of thousands of people to Montana’s past. MTHS will engage more people than ever in exploring our histories by developing statewide opportunities that are inclusive, welcoming, and stimulating to all.

Legislative Goals & Objectives (PDF)

FY2025 Annual Plan (PDF)

FY2024 Annual Plan Report (PDF)


MTHS Biennial Report to the Governor (22-3-107 MCA)

2025 Biennial Report (PDF)

2023 Biennial Report (PDF)

2021 Biennial Report (PDF)

2019 Biennial Report (PDF)


Preservation Montana: The Montana Historic Preservation Plan

Montana State-Owned Heritage Properties

2020 Biennial Report (PDF)

2018 Biennial Report (PDF)

2016 Biennial Report (PDF)

2014 Biennial Report (PDF)

2012 Biennial Report (PDF)

Entities Administratively Attached to the Montana Historical Society

Moss Mansion

MTHS owns the Moss Mansion on behalf of the State. The City of Billings holds a 38.5% interest in the property and delegates all administrative responsibility to local boards via legal agreements that give MTHS oversight of physical changes to the property or actions which could encumber the state.


Historic Preservation Review Board

State Historic Records Advisory Board

Montana 250th Commission