Museum and Library & Archives reference room are closed for renovations. For more info, call (406) 444-2694.


Montana’s Museum, and the Research Center are located across the street and directly east of the Montana State Capitol at 225 No. Roberts St., Helena, MT.

The Montana Historical Society and the State Historic Preservation Office are temporarily located at 910 Helena Ave., while the Heritage Center is under construction.

The Original Governor’s Mansion is located at 304 No. Ewing.

Parking is limited due to construction of the Heritage Center.

From Great Falls or Butte (I-15 North or I-15 South)

Take the Capitol exit and proceed west on Prospect Avenue. Take a left at the light on Roberts Street and proceed south four blocks to the stop sign at the corner of No. Roberts and Sixth. Free parking is available on the Capitol Campus.

From Bozeman (Hwy 12/Hwy 287 East)

Hwy 12/Hwy 287 East becomes Prospect Avenue at the I-15 interchange. Proceed west on Prospect Avenue. Take a left at the light on Roberts and proceed south four blocks to the stop sign at the corner of No. Roberts and Sixth. Turn left onto Sixth. Free parking is available on the Capitol Campus.

From Missoula (Hwy 12 West)

Hwy 12 West becomes Euclid, then is renamed Lyndale. Proceed east through Helena for approximately 2.5 miles. At the intersection with Montana Avenue, turn right onto Montana and continue south for 0.8 miles to the corner of Montana and Sixth. Turn left onto Sixth and proceed one block east to the stop sign at the corner of No. Roberts and Sixth. Free parking is available on the Capitol Campus.

The State Historic Preservation Office

Montana's State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) temporarily is located 910 Helena Avenue.