Museum and Library & Archives reference room are closed for renovations. For more info, call (406) 444-2694.

Volunteering at the Montana Historical Society

2024 marks the 52nd year of the Friends of the Society volunteer organization.

The Montana Historical Society welcomes, and relies upon the contributions of a wide range of volunteers. Volunteers contribute in a variety of ways: clerking in our museum store; giving tours to school groups; hosting receptions; researching historic buildings; working in the state archives; transcribing oral histories; helping with exhibits; and providing administrative office assistance for many programs. These donated hours help the Historical Society accomplish projects that would not otherwise be possible. Volunteer hours are used to match grant funds.

To learn more about volunteering, please contact:

Katie White, Volunteer Coordinator
Montana Historical Society
P.O. Box 201201
Helena, MT 59620-1201
(406) 444-9553