Museum and Library & Archives reference room are closed for renovations. For more info, call (406) 444-2694.

Online Collections


Montana History Portal

Search and browse our digital collections on the Montana History Portal. The MHP holds over 100,000 digitized books, yearbooks, diaries, letters, ads, and photographs from our collection.

Digitized Montana Newspapers

Find out what Digitized Montana Newspapers are available online and how to access them. Our digitized newspapers are searchable, and users can download and save articles and clippings.

MTHS Moving Image Archive

Go to our YouTube page to watch historical Montana video clips digitized from films and videotapes held in the Photograph Archives.

State Publications

Find more than 29,000 State of Montana publications and documents in the Montana State Library state publication collection.

Montana Place Names

Locate and learn about any location on a zoomable map of Montana by visiting our Montana Place Names project.

Historic Montana

Explore the significance of Montana's National Register of Historic Places buildings and places on the Historic Montana website or through the State Historic Preservation Office's information-packed ArcGIS map.



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Finding Aids

Search our Finding Aids to find detailed inventories of our archival and manuscript collections, government records, and photograph collections.

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Montana History Compass

Explore our Indexes, Subject Guides, and Facts to find resources and get started on your Montana history research.

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