Museum and Library & Archives reference room are closed for renovations. For more info, call (406) 444-2694.

Conferences, Workshops, and Special Events


Mark your calendars for A Place in Time: The 52nd annual Montana History Conference, set for Sept. 25-27, 2025 in Helena. We’re planning a fabulous line up of workshops, tours, lectures and discussions focused on place-based Montana history.

The conference will be held at the Best Western Great Northern Hotel. You can reserve your room now under the Montana History Conference group rate. Call 406-457-5500 to book your room. Rates start at $180/night. Alternate lodging is available at the Best Western Helena/Capitol Hotel, 1714 11th Avenue, (406) 442-1770. The MT History Conference group rate is $125/night. A limited number of ADA rooms are available at both hotels.

Check back often for updates on conference highlights and registration information. Questions? Contact Christine Brown at or 406-444-1687.



If you missed the 2024 Montana History Conference, click here to view the list of recordings and watch the slideshow presentations on Youtube.

Find many years of past conference programs and session recordings here.

Educator Workshops

Online Professional Development

Visit our Professional Development page to register for our Second Tuesdays PDs. Offered September-November and January-April, these mostly teacher-led, practical sessions will focus on topics from IEFA to place-based and thematic teaching. Also available are archived professional development, which can be taken for renewal credits. 

Bring a Montana Teacher Leader to Your Community!

Take advantage of our extraordinary Teacher Leaders in History program. Eleven elementary and middle school teachers from across the state, who have received training on the Montana Historical Society resources and are versed in best practices for history education, are available to provide professional development. Looking for a presenter at your school? Learn more.