Conference Registration is almost full!
The Montana History Conference is now full on Friday and there are only a few seats left on our Thursday and Saturday tours and workshops. A few seats remain open for Saturday only registration. Click the Register Now button below to register and be added to the waitlist for full conference registration or other a la carte tours or workshops. You will be notified if an open seat is available (though it may be last minute). Full conference registration costs $265 and includes the Thursday reception, breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Friday, and breakfast and lunch on Saturday. Saturday only registration costs $85.
Great Falls Heritage Inn, 1700 Fox Farm Road, Great Falls, MT 59404. Conference rates starting at $119/night. To reserve your room, call 406-761-1900 with group code MTHISTORYATTENDEE.
Holiday Inn Convention Center, 1100 5th St. South, 406-727-7200. Group rate, $107/night plus tax. Be sure to ask for the Montana History Conference rate or use online group code EG2.
Building on the Past, the 50th annual Montana Conference, was held in Helena, September 28-30 at the Delta Colonial Hotel, the same location as the first conference in 1974. Thank you to all (350+ people!) who attended and to our many talented presenters who spent much time and effort to bring their research to the public. Thank you again to the Dennis and Phyllis Washington Foundation, Helena’s Valley Bank and Opportunity Bank, Montana Office of Public Instruction, the Charles Redd Center, the Foundation for Montana History, Bureau of Land Management, Vital Energy Chiropractic, and artist Becky Eiker.
If you missed the conference, couldn’t make it to one of the concurrent sessions, or just want to revisit one of the many interesting topics, click here to view the list of recordings and watch the slideshow or video presentations on YouTube.
If you missed our previous History Conferences, you can find past conference programs or listen to session recordings here.
Visit our Professional Development page to register for our Second Tuesdays PDs. Offered September-November and January-April, these mostly teacher-led, practical sessions will focus on topics from IEFA to place-based and thematic teaching. Also available are archived professional development, which can be taken for renewal credits.
Take advantage of our extraordinary Teacher Leaders in History program. Eleven elementary and middle school teachers from across the state, who have received training on the Montana Historical Society resources and are versed in best practices for history education, are available to provide professional development. Looking for a presenter at your school? Learn more.