Museum and Library & Archives reference room are closed for renovations. For more info, call (406) 444-2694.

Three Forks Land Sale by Public Auction


Range land near Three Forks, MT was donated to the Montana Historical Society in 2009. The intent of the gift is to sell the land to benefit the construction of the Montana Heritage Center. 

  • Legal Description: Tract 1 of COS 222039 F830A, SEC 24, TWP 2N, RNG 1W
  • 331 West Farm Road, 3 miles west of Three Forks Junction (I-90 & Hwy 287)
  • 326.31 acres of undeveloped native range land
  • A new appraisal will be completed soon. The 2023 appraisal is available upon request. 

Auction Information: Land will be sold by public auction on a date to be determined at the Jefferson County Courthouse, 201 Centennial Ave., Boulder, MT. Registered bidders will be notified of any updates to the auction location. 

Minimum Bid Amount: (will be determined by new appraisal)  

Bid Deposit: Registration and a minimum bid deposit of 5% of the minimum bid amount, is required by certified check from a Montana bank. The bid deposit must be received by 5 days prior to the auction date with a Bid Deposit Receipt and proof of Funds to the Montana Historical Society, Attn: Development Office, PO Box 201201, Helena, MT, 59620-1201. 

Invitation to Purchase - Terms and Conditions
Offer to Purchase and Bid Deposit Receipt
Draft Buy-Sell Agreement
Power of Attorney

For more information, please call 406-444-4013.

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