~First Lady Lisa Bullock
~Former First Lady Carol Judge
~Former First Lady Nancy Schweitzer
Cabin Creek picnic, children's group, 1913. |
- Sidney Armstrong, fundraising
- Representative Liz Bangerter, CCAC mural subcommittee
- Julie Cajune, consulting historian
- Liz Gans, CCAC mural subcommittee (representing Montana Arts Council); web design
- Kim Baraby Hurtle, public art advisor, Montana Arts Council
- Denise King, CCAC mural subcommittee (representing Montana Historical Society)
- Susan Lubbers, stories coordinator
- State Senator Lynda Moss, CCAC mural subcommittee chairperson
- Mary Murphy, consulting historian
- State Senator Diane Sands, CCAC mural subcommittee
- Members of the mural artist selection panel
"Spinning Marvels performing at the Marias Fair," Shelby, MT, 1958. |
- Kimberly Abbott
- Sue and Ben Agnew
- Thora and R. G. Aldrich
- Lynn Allison
- Stephenie Ambrose Tubbs
- American Association of University Women - Kalispell Branch
- American Association of University Women - Missoula Branch
- American Association of University Women - Montana
- American Association of University Women-Treasure State Branch
- Vickie Amundson
- Nancy and L. A. Anderson
- Anonymous
- Deborah Anspach and J. V. Hanson
- Sidney Armstrong
- Teri and David Ball
- Liz Bangerter
- Peggy Baraby
- Lynn Batista-Vykoukal
- Stephanie and Zeno Baucus
- Carole Baumann
- Alex Bazcey
- Linda Beischel and Rudy R. Strobbe, Jr.
- Billings Junior Woman's Club
- Gretchen Bingman
- Deborah and Richard Blackburn
- Nancy Blake
- Tamara Blank
- Carroll Blend
- Jeanette Blize
- Phyllis Bock and Robert Nichol
- Gary Branae
- Diane Brawner
- Anna Brewer
- Ann Brodsky and Bob Ream
- Barbara Brown
- Jan Brown
- Judy and Jim Bryngelson
- Tammy Bugarin and Andrea Powers
- Montana First Lady Lisa Bullock and Governor Steve Bullock
- Bari Burke and Thomas Huff
- Corlann Bush
- Marion D. Cadwell
- Katharine and Fredrick Cady
- Lauren Caldwell
- Pam Campbell and R. Stephen Harper
- M. Kristine and Lawrence W. Carpenter
- Mary Chester and M. Krausert
- Elizabeth Ching and Kevin P. Dowling
- Leslie Clark
- Jan Clinard
- Cloud Peak Energy Resources, LLC
- Anna Marie and Ferris Clouse
- Alice Cochran and Gail Harris
- Alan Cooper
- Penny and Jack Copps
- Sherri Cornett
- Nina Cramer
- Daphne Crosbie and John Stults
- Amanda Curtis
- Kathleen Curtis
- Sandra Dal Poggetto and Brian Kahn
- Sondra Daly
- Elizabeth Danforth
- Ruth Dargis
- Margaret S. Davis and Bruce Ennis
- Patricia Dean
- Nancy Detrick
- Christine Deveny
- Sue and Bob Dickenson
- Susan Dostal
- Sherri Downing
- Mary Ann and Don Dunwell
- Priscilla and Richard Dysart
- Bob Ebinger
- Dorothy Eck
- Jo Ann Eder
- Vivian Edwards
- Fran Effertz
- Diane Ehernberger
- Lynne and Paul Elder
- James Elliott
- Janet Ellis and James Hansen
- Pamela and Robert Ellis
- Colleen and Richard Erickson
- Nancy and Ronald Erickson
- Carolyn Estes
- Aimee Fausser
- Heather Fink
- Judy Fjell
- Vada and Vicky Fosjord
- Susan Byorth Fox
- Bess and John Fredlund
- Moffie Funk
- Ginny and Jack Furshong
- Liz Gans and Rick Newby
- Judy Garrity
- Mary Gernaat
- Susan Gilbertz
- Kim Gillan
- Christina and Oliver H. Goe
- Jean Goetz
- Karla Gray and Myron Currie
- Winston Greely
- Linda Gryczan
- Milly and Joseph Gutkoski
- Marien Hagen
- A. R. Hagener
- Deborah Halliday
- Lyle Hamilton
- Vivian Hammill
- Liz Harder
- Janet and Hal Harper
- Lisa Harr and Michael Ross
- Barbara Ann and Darrell Harris
- Linda and Robert Harris
- Connye and Allen Hartman
- Lillian and James Hartung
- Leilani Hartung
- Ray Hartz
- Jane and Fred Hashley
- Jane and Robert Hawks
- Emily and Chase Hibbard
- Susan Hinkins and Richard Gillette
- Barbara Hoffman
- Sheila Hogan and Jim Edwards
- Gay Holliday
- Joy Holloway
- Laura Holmes
- Joan Hood
- Roberta and Edward Hughes
- Humanities Montana
- Peg Hunter and Patrick Johnson
- Kim Baraby Hurtle
- Maria Ibarbia
- Patricia and Gerald Ingraham
- Danna Jackson
- Margie and Arthur Jacobsen
- D. A. Jacobson
- Patricia Jaffray
- Adrienne Jarrett and Tim K. Davis
- Karen Jarussi
- Heather Jernberg and Robert Sarfi
- Chere Jiusto and Jim Robbins
- Dori and Bill Johnston
- Stacy and Robert Jovick
- Don Judge
- Mike Kadas
- Christine Kaufmann and Pat Kemp
- Marjorie Keilman
- Kathryn Kelley / Kelley Institute of Integrative Therapy
- Janet Kelly
- Denise King and Linda Minich
- Janet Knight
- Martha Kohl and Geoffrey Wyatt
- Susan Kroneberger
- Joyce Kronholm
- Karen Kueffler
- Carolyn D. and Tom Laceky
- Joy Laclaire and Patricia Lipmanson
- Shelly and Don Laine
- Robin Layton
- Legislative Spouses Club
- Tim Lehman
- L. B. Lemire
- Matthew Leow
- Marga Lincoln
- Tom Literski
- Livestock Building, LLC
- Jan and Bill Lombardi
- Bess Lovec
- Georgia Lovelady
- Ingrid Lovitt
- Susan and R. L. Lubbers
- Jennifer Lyman
- Beverly Magley
- Katrina and Jim Martin
- Elizabeth Marum
- Nancy Matheson
- Sherry Matteucci
- Kathleen and John McBride
- Beatrice McCarthy
- Gerald McCarthy
- Mary McNally and Monte Smith
- Elizabeth and William McNamer
- Tamara and Mark Miller
- Missoula Business and Professional Women
- Rhonda and Daniel Molloy
- Montana Community Foundation
- Montana Conservation Voters
- Montana Credit Unions for Community Development
- Montana Democratic Women's Legislative Caucus
- Montana League of Women Voters
- Montana Legislative Spouse’s Club
- Montana Republican Party
- Gayle and Bob Moon
- Elizabeth and Timothy Moore
- John Morrison
- Janice Munsell
- Dolores Munsey
- Mary Murphy and Dale Martin
- Miriam Naiman-Sessions
- NARAL Pro Choice Montana / Maggie Moran
- Rosanne Nash and Charles Roberts
- Susan Near and Ted Brodowy
- Karen and James M. Nelson
- Linda Nelson
- Tom Nelson (hosted Hard Hat Tour/Fundraiser in honor of his mother, Bernie Nelson)
- Martha Newell and Mike Kadas
- Molly Nichelson
- Nancy and Alan Nicholson
- Barbara and Thomas O'Connell
- Mary Jo Olson
- Sheryl Olson
- Nancy Oneil
- Patricia Jean and William Oriet
- Carolyn Ostby
- Nancy Owens
- Mary and Walter Peet
- Sharon Peterson
- Margaret Ping
- Planned Parenthood of Montana
- Jennifer Pomnichowski and Robert Wall
- Lue Ponich
- Jeanne Powell and William Elliott
- Madalyn Quinlan and Brian Garrity
- Arlene Reichert
- Myrtle Reimer
- Linda and Dale Reinhart
- Sandra Reiter
- Jessica Rhoades
- Janet Riis
- Bev and Sig Ross
- Melanie Ruby
- Hallie Rugheimer
- Barbara and Michael Sample
- Linda Sandman
- Diane Sands
- Theresa Sather
- Lynda Saul and Steve Loken
- Sharon Schell
- Trudi and Delroy Schmidt
- George Schunk
- Carol Scott-Fowler
- Julie and Shaun Seedhouse
- Judith Senteney
- Aimee and David Shanight
- Anna Shannon
- Melissa Shannon
- Robin Shropshire and Shaheen Siddiqui
- J. E. Siemers
- Linda and Thorne Silverberg
- Patricia Simmons
- Karen and Levi Smith
- Sandra Smith
- Harold Squires
- Rosamond Stanton
- Mary and Thomas Steenberg
- Eric Stern
- Jessica and Edwin Stickney
- Stockyard Cafe / Christine Huyser
- Linda Stoll
- Tracy Stone-Manning and Richard D. Manning
- Mary Stranahan
- Janis Strout
- Vicki and Lionel Tapia
- Gloria Tatchell
- Deborah Taylor
- Katherine and John Taylor
- Shirley Thomas
- Norma Tirrell
- Michael Tooley
- Thomas Towe
- Leola and Glen Tusler
- Jeff Van Tine
- Jeanette Vogl
- Stephanie and Ken Wallace
- Rebecca Warren and Bill Rule
- Ava and Dennis Wasley
- Mignon and Ron Waterman
- Lise and Kipp Webb
- Marilyn and Thomas Wessel
- Bruce Whittenberg
- Caryl Wickes-Connick
- Carol and Pat Williams
- Kathleen Williams
- Williamsworks, Inc.
- Willing Workers Ladies Aid. Inc
- Sheena Wilson and John Ilgenfritz
- Sandra R. Wong
- Kathryn Wright
- Arlene and Paul R. Wylie
Montana Women's Mural | Donors and Volunteers | Senate Bill 59