Museum and Library & Archives reference room are closed for renovations. For more info, call (406) 444-2694.

Reproductions of Audio or Video


We can provide copies of the audio and video content, such as oral histories or legislative recordings, that we maintain in the Library & Archives.

Oral Histories

Find our oral histories by searching the catalog or looking at our Finding Aids. Many of our oral histories are also available via the Montana History Portal. In addition to audio, we have electronic transcripts for most oral histories.

To request a digital copy of an oral history, please submit a research request. In your request, please include the title of the oral history (or name of the person being interviewed) and the call number, e.g. OH 240 - Herbert Carlisle interview.

Request an Oral History

Legislative Recordings

Before requesting copies of audio or video from us, please check the Montana State Legislature's website. They provide online access to recordings from 2005-present.

We hold copies of legislative recordings from 1997-2011. To get a copy of a recording from us, please submit a research request and include in your request the committee name and the specific date.

For more information on legislative recordings and conducting legislative research, please see our Legislative History Guide.

Request a Legislative Recording





Search our catalog to find records from our entire collection, including library materials, archival and manuscript collections, government records, and photograph collections.

Search the catalog


Finding Aids

Search our Finding Aids to find detailed inventories of our archival and manuscript collections, government records, and photograph collections.

Search our finding aids


Montana History Compass

Explore our Indexes, Subject Guides, and Facts to find resources and get started on your Montana history research.

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