Museum and Library & Archives reference room are closed for renovations. For more info, call (406) 444-2694.

Montana History and Heritage Education listserv

Subscribe to the Montana History and Heritage Education email list.

The Montana History and Heritage Education listserv focuses on topics of interest to Montana history and heritage educators. The list's goal is to nurture a supportive and enthusiastic network of educators committed to place-based learning and teaching Montana history. Montana Historical Society staff uses this list to promote training opportunities, offer tips on conducting primary source research, and provide information on resources for teaching Montana history. In addition, this list is a place for educators to ask questions and share ideas about place-based learning, heritage education, and teaching Montana history. We hope that you will become an active member by offering advice, asking questions, and sharing stories of what has and (as valuably) has not worked with your students.

Find an archive of past posts at Teaching Montana History