Museum and Library & Archives reference room are closed for renovations. For more info, call (406) 444-2694.

Ordering Reproductions


Order Fulfillment and Payment 

Submitting one of our order forms will start the order process. Once staff receive and confirm your order, we will send you an invoice with info about making payment online. We deliver most orders within 3-5 business days. Orders for items already digitized can be fulfilled more quickly, but large orders for items not already digitized may take up to 15 business days. For questions related to reproduction requests please contact or (406) 444-4739.

Orders will be fulfilled once we receive a complete order form with signature and payment.

If you don't know the catalog number of a photo you would like to order, please contact Photo Archives staff for reference assistance: (406) 444-4739 or

Digital reproductions of materials in the Library & Archives collection can be made to the following specifications:

  • Standard Resolution (3,000 pixels on the long side): $15
  • High Resolution (6,000 pixels on the long side): $30
  • Special Oversize Digital Reproduction: $50
    • This category is only for large items needing digitization, such as large maps, architectural drawings, or mammoth photo prints requiring special treatment.

We provide files in the JPEG format unless otherwise requested in Special Instructions on the Reproduction Request Form.

Delivery is by e-mail or file sharing (via Microsoft OneDrive) at no additional charge.

Order Form for Digital Reproductions

We can make copy prints of items from our collections in the following sizes:

  • 5 x 7 inches:  $15
  • 8 x 10 inches: $20
  • 11 x 14 inches: $30
  • 16 x 20 inches: $50

Delivery of prints is via U.S. Mail for $5 postage or international mail for $10 postage per order.

Order Form for Photographic Prints

Additional Information

Rush orders are available for a rush fee that doubles the reproduction fees. A rush order simply moves your order to the front of the line and they are usually fulfilled within 2-3 business days. If there are no other orders in front of yours no rush fee will be charged.

The Library & Archives wishes to make its material as widely available as possible. Your interests and ours will be better served by reading the following conditions and procedures.

  • Reproductions of materials from the Library & Archives collections are provided under license agreement for purposes as indicated by the user and agreed upon by the Library & Archives. Conditions governing their use are specified on a contractual agreement generated by the Library & Archives that is to be agreed to by the user.
  • All orders must be prepaid before delivery. All sales are final.
  • All responsibility regarding questions of copyright or invasion of privacy that may arise in the use of material that has been reproduced by the Library & Archives must be assumed by the user.
  • The Library & Archives gives no exclusive rights for the use of its material. Generally, permission is granted for a one-time use only, unless worldwide rights for all media in perpetuity are requested and fees are paid. Commercial use of images are priced and licensed based on usage.
  • It is the responsibility of the user to credit the Library & Archives. Proper credit must be given to the creator if known. The preferred citation is as follows: “[Photo/item #], [creator/photographer’s name, if known], Montana Historical Society Library & Archives, Helena, Montana.”
  • The Library & Archives expects that its images not be used out of context or modified in a way that affects the historical integrity of the image. This does not rule out artist approaches to display, but consultation with Library & Archives staff will be appreciated.
  • Special requests not specifically mentioned within the above procedures will be considered and subject to special agreements. We reserve the right to charge additional fees for items that pose unusual difficulty in scanning, or to restrict the digitization of fragile items.
  • The Library & Archives requests, and is appreciative of receiving, a free copy of the item containing the material that is published or produced.
  • To apply for permission to publish or use reproduced images from the Library & Archives collections, please complete and submit our Application for Permission to Use Reproductions, which is found on the Permissions for Use page. The Application does not grant copyright permission but is a contract for permission to use photographs held in our collections and reproduced by our staff. Use in any commercial or editorial medium requires the user to submit the Application for Permission to Use Reproductions. Possession of an image does not constitute permission to use it.
  • The commercial use fees are separate from, and in addition to, image reproduction fees. Personal research use and other non-profit uses do not incur use fees.
  • The Library & Archives reserves the right to decline permission to publishers, users, and individuals who do not agree to the stated terms above and in the Application for Permission to Use Reproductions.