Museum and Library & Archives reference room are closed for renovations. For more info, call (406) 444-2694.

Donor Giving from January 2023 - August 2024

For more than 150 years, the Montana Historical Society has pursued our mission to preserve Montana’s past, share our stories, and inspire exploration, to provide meaning for today and vision for tomorrow. 

The donors listed below provided essential funding for MTHS programs so we can continue to meet our mission.

With our deepest gratitude, thank you.

Program and Mission Donors

Steve and Jane Bahls
Richard and Sue Buswell
Dennis and Phyllis Washington Foundation
Howard Jelinek
Estate of Paula Petrik
Valley Bank of Helena
Nelson S. Weller

A&E Design
Laura Alvin
Bureau of Land Management-Billings
Earl and Bertha Pruyn Foundation
Fanwood Foundation
Michael Flesher
Foundation for Montana History
Historical Research Associates Inc.
Montana Arts Council
Montana Office of Public Instruction
Opportunity Bank of Montana
Mark Poulsen
Redd Center for Western Studies - BYU
Mike Shields and Opal Winebrenner
TDS Telecom
Vital Energy Chiropractic
Bill and Kristy Whitsitt
Laurel E. and Howard Wilson

Donald Archibald
Ray Aylesworth
Steven F. and Cynthia Baril
Greg Black and Ann Wayrynen
Bookworks of Whitefish
Thomas A. and Kathy Budewitz
Margaret Corcoran and James Madden
Humanities Montana
James F. Kemp
Betty McCreary
Thomas E. Minckler and Abigail Hornik
Lorrie Molloy
Laura M. Rotegard and Bob Kraft
Wesleta Shaules
Susan Shelhamer
Jude Sheppard
Mary and Matthew Swaby
George P. Tures

Steve Aaberg
Bob and Carolyn Adams
Lenore M. Adams
Jean Agather
Maryan Alderson
Nancy Alley
Tom and Mei Andersen
Norman and Marcia Anderson
Janet and John Andrew
Kenneth I. and Mary Beth Andrews
Michael D. Archdale
Kurt Armbruster
Stuart and Lila Armstrong
M. A. Arnold
Pat Ashworth
Pamela Attardo
Mike and Toni Atwood
Gretchen Augustyn
Rocky Bailey
Vincent Bakke
Alan and Jan Ballensky
Robert and Coleen Banderob
Dana A. Barbeau
Suzanne Barthelmess and Rex Sustello
Jean Bartos
Vern Bass
Sharlot Battin
Karyl Beattie
Edward G. Beaudette
George Beck
Kent Beichle
Raymond L. Bell
Bradley and Jennifer Bennett
Jackie K. Bergan
Joe Bernolfo
Kathleen S. Bettise
Gary Bintz
Paulette Blaseg
Anne Blotkamp
Larry and Jan Bloxsom
John C. and Mait Board
Sarah A. Bond
Mark A. Born
Thomas Bosshardt
Veronica Bovee-Anderson
Boy Scouts of America Troop 23
David Braaten
Dorothy Bradley
Hilda Bradshaw
Jim Brady
Kenneth and Blythe Brandvold
Keni Brayton Cox
Jacqueline Brennan
Judith A. Bretz
Gay and Bert Brewer
Douglas Broadie
Linda M. Brooks
Barbara R. Brown
Robert M. and Claudia Brown
Browning, Kaleczyc, Berry and Hoven, P.C.
Sigrid Brudie
Anna Brumley
Carol Buchanan
Wayne and Rena Bucher
James W. Burman
Woody Burt
Irene Ann Byrd
Annette Cade
Coyne Callaghan
Roger R. Campbell
Gene S. Carlson
Judy Carmichael
Eileen J. Carney
Brandon and Lisa Carpenter
William Carpenter, Jr.
James L. Carroll
Jay and Robyn Carter
Roberta Carter
Chris Cass
Roger and Judy Chadwick
Gary Chamberlain
Carol Clapper
Milton and Rosalyn Clark
Terry Clingersmith
Rodger E. Clingman
Edwin B. Coates
Milo Coladonato
JaLina and David Collins
Tom and Margaret L. Colvin
Clancy Cone
Michael Connolly
Merle L. Cook
Stephen Cornell
Michael and Patricia W. Cotter
Nancy Crosby
Patricia Crosley
Deanna Crum
Robert Culver
L. Dean Culwell
Lynnette and Rich Curtis
Carol A. Dagenais
Roberta K. Dahl
Richard Dahlen
Chris J. Dalton
Fay and Stan Danielsen
James and Kelly Darr
Kim J. Davidson
Ken L. and Karen Deaver
Grace DeBoer
Denis Deck
Doug and Katy Deffe
Walter Dewing
Dan and Carol Ann Dietzen
Phil Difani
Sandra Diffenbacher
Dr. John Dimar
Terry Dokken
Arnold and Terri Dood
Susan Doverspike
Diana S. Dowling
Bill Drew
Philip Driscoll
Martin R. Drivdahl
Daniel W. Driver
Lorri C. Dudley
Stan and Becky Duffner
Larry Dugas
Robert M. Duncan
John Dzubinski
Dan Easley
John F. Eastman
Mark and Della Ehlke
Brad and Rhonda Eik
Christine D. Ellin
Howard Elliott
James Ellis
Janet Ellis and Jim Hansen
Michael and Judith Ellis
Dick and Leah Ellwein
Larry and Callie Epstein
Gary and Alice Erb
Richard Erbst
Irene and Tom Erdie
Mark Estep
Michael C. Evans
Douglas Ezell
Craig W. Fanning
Lt. Michael J. Farmer
Duane L. Ferdinand
K. Ann Ferguson
Maxine B. Ferguson
Mary Ann and Daniel Fiehrer
Joanne Fife
Christine Figueroa
Jonni Fischer
Ellen Fockler
Tim Fox
Brian Frank
Holly and Delores Franz
Rita Frasure
Richard A. and Holly Freund
Friends of the Montana Historical Society
Wendy Frink
Desiree and Steve Funston
Xin Gao
Judy C. Gardner
Suzanne Garlough
Carolyn K. Gatzek
George Gaudet
Don Gemberling
Stephen and Linda Gerdes
Susan M. Gibb
Lesley M. Gilmore and Robert Franzen
Ron and Teresa Gilreath
Beverly Gingg
Janet Going
Keith Graham
Wallace D. Gram
Lynda Joyce Grande
Mary Karen Grande
Kirby and Nan Granger
John Green
Jojean Greene
Weber Greiser and Mary Langenderfer
Cecile and Mark Greszler
Joseph Grinnell
J. R. and Patricia A. Habeck
Mark Haemig, D.D.S.
William Hale
Margaret Haley
Earl C. Hall and Colleen Ambrose
Larry W. Halverson
Jim Hamilton
Sharon and Ivan Hamilton
Ronald V. Hampa
Philip Hanify
Carol L. Hanson
Jean Hardick
Dayle Hardy-Short and Brant Short
Tom and Victoria Harman
Steven and Susan Harr
Dan Harrington
Sharon Harris
Todd Harwell
Shawn Hatton
George and Cathy Hayes
Rick and Jane Hays
Tasha Cedars Heatherton and Tony Heatherton
George Hedrick
Mary Hektner and John Sacklin
Helena Chamber of Commerce
Mary L. Helland
Jon Heller
Patricia Lynn Helring
Patricia B. Helvey
John H. and Kathryn Heminway
Patricia A. Hennessey
Judy Hewson
Scott and Gretchen Hibbard
Shawn and Delmer Hiesterman
Cris E. Hill
Ron Hill
Sheila Hill
David Hilvers
Don Hinman
Anita Hochstein
Brian Holland
Mary Holt
Ruth Anne Holtz
Peter Holzemer
Nona Hope
Roger Hopkins
Kevin E. Houck
Pete and Traci Hronek
Bernie and Kathy Hubley
Joe Hucke
Tom B. Hulbert
Bobby Jackson
Robert A. and Frankie Jackson
Patricia Jacobs
John Jacobsen
Donald P. and Kaye Jacobson
Ramona Jacobson
William James
Janice A. Jamruszka-Wilson
Kyle Jansson
Ed and Bobbi Jasmin
Nicci Jasmin and Rhett Oligmiller
Jack B. and Kathy A. Jensen
William and Sandra Jensen
Deborah L. Jermunson
Pep and Wally Jewell
The Joe Ricketts Nebraska Foundation
David C. Johnson
Pete and Mechille Johnson
Terry Johnson
Marty Johnston
Bill and Debbie Jones
Susan Henshaw Jones
Tom Jones
Tommy Jones
Henry E. and Dorothy A. Jorgensen
Kathleen Jorgensen
A.W. Judson
Monica Jungster and Charles Brasen
Judy Juntunen
Jay Kaimal
Charlene and Kimberly Kallestad
Sue Kancir
Bernice Karnop
David J. Kathman
Christine Kaufmann and Pat Kemp
Tim Kearns
Matt Kehr
Brian and Verlinda Keith
Deloris L. Kelly
Kathryn L. Kelly
Rod Kerner
Rollyn L. Kidd
Carrie Kiely
Kay R. King
Dave Kinnard
Ralph Kirsch
Matthew and Pat Knierim
Robert M. and Ellen J. Knight
David L. and Mary Lou Koehler
Kent Koolen
John and Roxcee Kountz
Kathy Krause
Joan E. Kuchel
Jack Kukowski
Bill and Lorna Kuney
Henry J. La Sala
Dianne LaFever
Kirby Lambert and Becca Kohl
John Lambing
Arville Lammers
Stan Langel
Bill T. Larson
Steven G. Lee
Gary and Carol Leese
Susan Leferink
Timothy Lehman
Cindy Lemon
Robin LeNeve
Mary and Ken Leonardi
Jean Leth
Rick and Lila Letz
James A. Lewis
William Lewis
Timothy Light
Dr. Tom Little
Amy and Dale Livezey
Ronald and Charlene Loge
John M. Love
Steve and Keryl Lozar
Karin P. Ludeman
Lulu Press, Inc.
Jack D. Lund
Bill and Diane Lundgren
Lorretta Lynde and Bob Fusie
John Lyndes
David MacMullan
Kathleen MacNeill
Jesse Malone
Steve and Sunny Ray Mandeville
Richard J. Mandl
Betty Lou Mandler
Dennis A. Mangold
Robert Martelle
George Maruska
RoseMarie S. Mason
Laura Maurillo
Rod Mays
Byron and Carole McBride
Larry and Barbara McBride
Connie McCabe
Richard E. McCabe
Donald L. and Donna McCammon
Jim McCarthy
Kevin McCarthy
Melanie McCleary
Patrick T. McConville
Daniel McCourt
Elizabeth M. McCoy
Joseph F. McDonald
Verlaine McDonald
John H. McEwen and Mary A. Musil
Bruce E. McKee
Emily Elizabeth McKeever
Stephen M. McKenzie
Ray F. McLaughlin
John and Joan McMahon
Allen F. McNeal
Cecily McNeil
Megan Meinel
Mary Meissner
Merrill R. Meredith
Dolly Merrick
Dr. Ivy Merriot
Tara Meunier
Douglas Miller
Karen Miller, Ph.D.
Michael M. Miller
Nancy T. Miller
Sonya Miller
Paulette E. Mills
Cynthia M. Mish
Everett and Viola Mitchell
Randy Mohn
Richard Mohr
Marilyn Moist
Jeff and Kim Montag
Bob and Betty Moore
Pamela Morris
Catharine Moser
Bonnie B. Mountain
James Muhn
Eric Mullins
Jerry Mumm and Shirley R. Korynya Mumm
Myra Mumma
Edward and Kathleen Murphy
Muffie B. Murray
Kathryn R. Navascues
Susan R. Near
Arthur K. Neill
Donald A. Nelson
Harold Nelson
Ron and Roberta Nelson
Dale and Dawn Newell
Byron Newman
Nestor and Lorraine Newman
Stephanie and Mike Newton
Warren Neyenhuis and Peggy Tonon
Hugh W. Norville
Harvey Nyberg and Mary Koltze
Robert W. and Barbara J. O'Brion
John and Linda O'Hara
Sandra B. Oldendorf
George and Dorothy Oliveira
Billie Oliver
Bernie and Marilyn Olson
Edward and Janet Olson
Janet Ore and Mark Fiege
Sandy O'Rourke
Charlotte Orr
Diane Osborne
Karen Oset
Mary O'Toole
Paul Overman
Patrick B. and Christine A. Padon
Michael Painter
Don and Melissa Park
Tom and Connie Parker
Carla and Dan Parks
Carolyn Parry
Angelina O. Parsons
John E. Patrick
David J. Patterson and Mary Francesca Palffy
John L. Paul
Mrs. Barbara Paulsen
Robert Peccia & Associates
Eric Pedersen
Katherine E. Pedersen
Mike Penfold
Nancy Penrose
Peter Petek, III
Shirley Peters
Gerald R. Petersen
Jess Peterson
Margaret G. Peterson
Susan Peterson
Steven B. Pfeiffer
Edward L. and Marie Pierce
Ron Plaggemeyer
John Plencner
Clifford A. Poindexter and Rebecca Poindexter Smith
Carlo Porteen
Bill Pratt
Terrie L. and Frank D. Preite
Jeannie Pullin
Larry and Mary Putnam
Bob and Ann Quinn
Robert Quinton
Mark and Christine Randak
Coco and Steve Readdick
Charles and Linda Ream
Maureen and Charles Redfield
Randy Reger
Rehbein Ford Inc.
Brent K. Rehm
Kelly Reid
Leon and Vera Remeniuk
Dee A. Replogle, Jr.
Jack Reynolds
Larry Reynolds
Leslie Richards
Rebecca Ridenour and Aaron Anderson
John Riegleman
Ann Ripley
Rick Ritter
Jack Roadarmel
Ken and Michele Robison
Joseph P. Romeo Jr
R. Heather Ropes
Sonja Rosenthal
Phil Rostad
E. Scott Royce
Donna S. Rudiger
Richard Ruff
Tom Ruffatto
Catherine Rule
Marcia Rundle
Sandy Runkel
Jay and Renee Russell
John Russell
Jon and Nancy Rutt
George Ryan
Carolyn J. Ryffel
Susan St. Germain
Trudy A. Samuelson
Charlotte Sanddal
Carla Sanders and Rick Harrison
Kim Sather
Roshelle Satterthwait
Sue Sayer
Elizabeth Scanlin and Jeffery B. Anderson
Don and Irene Scheidecker
LeRoy F. Schouviller
Larry and Cindy Schwartz
Fred Seidensticker
David and Shirley Shane
Montgomery Shaw
Dennis Shea
Roger Sherman
Jami Patricia Shiner
William and Harlan Shropshire
Lee and Nancy Silliman
Margaret Simonds
Annie Sisk
Tedra Skaar
Mary Slattery
Karen Small
Jean A. Smith
John E. and Luanne L. Smith
Marj and Terry Smith
Bruce A. Sneddon
Paul T. Snyder
Dirk P. Sol
Dave B. Solberg
Sons and Daughters of Montana Pioneers
Nancy Sorensen
Kate Spencer
Paula M. Stannard
Tom Steenberg
Ms. Laura Feyhl Steinmetz
Jack and Julie Stetson
Julie Stoner
Robert A. and Patricia Strand
Laura Straus
Marcia Strike
Ted Stry
Matthew Stump
Nancy R. Sullivan
Neil J. Sullivan
Peter Sullivan and Barbara Harris
Samuel B. Sullivan
Vona Sundberg
Karen E. Susag
Diane Svee
John A. Sveen
Wilna Swain
Sheryl Swanson
Bob and Jeanne Swick
John and Sue Talbot
Betsy Tarrant
Janet Tatz and Dave Morey
Nick Teel
Annette Terry
Henry and Bonnie Thies
John Thomas
Jennifer J. Thompson
Jim W. Thompson and Margaret A. Dowling
Sally Thompson
Robert R. Throssell and Carolyn A. Clemens
Dick and Suzanne Thweatt
Dana Toole
Shellie Torrence
Touchmark on Saddle Drive
Bob Vandeberg
Robert Van Iten
Sandra and Charles Van Riper
Dan Van Voast
Tom and Caroline Vars
Joseph Vavrovsky
Fran Viereck
Vigilante Electric Coop
Craig E. Vincent
Larry and Betty Visocan
Eugene R. Wade
Venita and Kerry Walker
Stephen Wallace
Marcella Walter
Josef and Mary Warhank
Mike and Rosemary Weber
Steve W. Weber
Joyce D. and Gary L. Wegner
Jack and Diane Weisert
Rachel Weiss
Jaye Wells
Gerald A. Wempner
Bruce Wendt and Claire Oakley
Cliff Wenzek
Westby School District 3
Chris Westergard
Robert Whaley
Anne and John Wheeler
Louis White
William White, III
Clark W. Whitehead
Mardella Whitmore
Bruce Whittenberg
Michael Wickes
Nancy E. Widdicombe
Jo Wiggins
Bette J. Wilkinson
Elaine Willenbring
James D. and Marilyn Williams
Mary H. Williams
Pat Williams
George R. Wilson
Connie D. Wodrich
Fern M. Wolery
John A. Wright, D.D.S.
Joseph and Edith Wright
Fred O. Wyant
Nan York
Heidi and Cliff Youmans
Candi L. Zion
Gordon Zuelke
Bruce R. Zwang, C.P.A.

If you made a gift to one of the MTHS programs during this timeframe and do not see your name on this list, or you would prefer to remain anonymous, this oversight was completely unintentional.  Please contact us at 406-444-4713 immediately so we can get your name added, removed, or corrected. Thank you. 

To see a list of donors to the Montana Heritage Center, please visit the project webiste:

You can support our mission to preserve and share Montana's history by visiting our donation page.