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Powerpoint Lesson Plans

The Montana Historical Society’s PowerPoint-based lesson plans provide you with the expertise of a guest speaker without the hassle and expense.

Each has a PowerPoint and script (along with information on the standards the presentation addresses.) Many of these were created as part of larger units but can be used as stand-alone lessons. Where relevant, links to the unit is also provided. If you present one of these PowerPoints, let us know how it goes by completing this survey.

New! Recognized at Last: The Little Shell Chippewa (grades 5-12)

"Who Are the Metis?" (grades 3-6)

"The Art of Storytelling" grades K-6 and 7-12 (designed for use with The Art of Storytelling: Plains Indian Perspectives)

"A Beautiful Tradition: Ingenuity and Adaptation in a Century of Plateau Women's Art" fourth/fifth, middle school, and high school versions.

"Children in the Mining Camps" (grades 6-12)

"What Would You Bring?" Emigrant Families on Montana's Gold Rush Frontier (grades 3-8)

Montana’s Charlie Russell" (available in two versions: one for elementary and one for upper grades)

Montana’s Twentieth-Century Immigrants: Mexicans, Hutterites, and Hmong (grades 4-6, designed for use with the Coming to Montana: Immigrants from around the World Footlocker)

"Profiles of African American Montanans" (grades 6-12)

"Railroads Transform Montana" (grades 6-8, designed for use with Chapter 9 of Montana: Stories of the Land.)

"Sun Dance in Silver Bow: Urban Indian Poverty in the Shadow of the Richest Hill on Earth" (grades 6-12)

"What They Left Behind": Archaeological Sites in Montana (grades 6-12, designed for use with Chapter 2 of Montana: Stories of the Land.)

"Yanktonai Dakota (Sioux) Winter Count" (designed for use with The Art of Storytelling: Plains Indian Perspectives.)

Butte’s Industrial Landscape. Created by Professor Fred Quivik for an audience of teachers, this PowerPoint is also adaptable to high school.