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Teaching Montana and the Great War

Resources and Lesson Plans

Montana and the Great War Scavenger Hunt. Challenge yourself and your students with this scavenger hunt for the Montana and the Great War Story Map. Educators: A password-protected answer key is available here. Teachers can request a password here.

Montana and the "Great War" Lesson Plan (Designed for 5-8, but adaptable to high school). After exploring the Story Maps to learn more about individuals' experiences during World War I, students will write a piece of historical fiction (a letter or journal entry) from the perspective of a Montanan--on the home front or serving in the armed forces--during the period.

Local Experiences of World War I Lesson Plan (High school). Students will conduct and share original research on ways the war impacted the people of their own county. The Montana Historical Society will include a link to their project on its Montana and the Great War website.