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Vintage photo farmers harvesting hay with a steam tractor

Making It Real:

A Montana Historical Society Educator Workshop

Interested in engaging your students in active learning while helping them understand the world around them? Concerned about students’ inability to identify misinformation? This workshop is for you.

The morning will focus on lesson plans from the newly published fourth-grade Montana history curriculum, Montana: A History of Our Home as well as ideas for using the replica artifacts, images, and documents available through the Montana Historical Society’s Hands-on History footlocker.

In the afternoon, participants discover how integrating math can make the massive land transfer from tribal to U.S. government control real for students. Then participants will explore the Stanford History Education Group’s Civic Online Reasoning Curriculum, which provides free lessons to help you teach students to evaluate online information that affects them, their communities, and the world.

This FREE day-long workshop will be held August 17, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. at the Montana Historical Society.

6 OPI Renewal Units available.

Review the workshop agenda.

Workshop Registration

Note: This workshop is limited to 30 participants.

  • Register for the Helena workshop
    Montana Historical Society, 225 N. Roberts St., Helena, August 17, 2022.

About the Presenter: Jim Schulz is a state and nationally recognized history and science educator with over thirty years of experience teaching in the Helena school district. Among his many awards, Jim was chosen as the Montana Centennial Bell History Teacher of the Year (1993), the Montana Teacher of the Year Runner Up (2000), the Disney American Teacher of the Year for Middle School Science (2000), and the American Association of Petroleum Geologists National Earth Science Teacher of the Year (2006).